The Kappa Nu Foundation, Inc., is an educational foundation dedicated to providing financial support to Kappa Nu undergraduates enrolled at Cornell University. Donors to the Kappa Nu Foundation will receive a tax-deductible receipt that can be used for income-tax purposes. Unfortunately, donations to the Kappa Nu Foundation do not qualify for gift credit at Cornell University.
For more information on how to make tax-deductible gifts to the Kappa Nu Foundation (tax identification number: 15-6022524),
send an e-mail to Michael Malarkey.
The purpose for which it is formed is to aid, encourage, promote, and contribute
to the education of members, prospective members, initiates, or pledges of Kappa
Nu Chapter or any other chapter of the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta who from
time to time shall be enrolled as students at Cornell University in the City of
Ithaca, County of Tompkins, State of New York; to provide educational advantages,
opportunities, and facilities for such students; to aid and assist such students
financially and otherwise in the improvement of their physical, mental, and moral
well-being; to further sound learning by the establishment or financing of endowments,
fellowships, and scholarship incentives and awards; and generally to carry on,
either alone or in cooperation with or through the instrumentality of others,
any and all activities in furtherance of one or more such objects and purposes.
Without limiting the generality of the objects and purposes hereinabove expressed,
the corporation, in furtherance thereof but not otherwise, may supplement or implement
the work of said Cornell University or any integral unit thereof in the promotion
of scholarship, character and morality of such students; may assist any such students
who are needy and deserving to complete their educational work; and may make or
promote donations or loans without interest to said Cornell University, or to
any integral unit of said University affording or providing educational facilities.